Enough of computer stuff!!let us talk some thing bout some fun....
jst imagine ur car while driving on the road talking with other cars in order to drive safely!!!
is it not wonderful?This idea is being worked upon by the scientists of Europe...
the basic mechanism is this...when a car moves on the road it creats a connectionless connection i.e a UDP connection is established ....and then it goes on sending packets to the cars around a give range.u might be wondering how the ip adddress of one car is known to other...dont worrry about that...the technique that is likely to be used is "Flooding" and so the packets are just sent... to all cars in the range..... and this the way in which the cars talk.. on the roads....after reading this article in the ieee magazine i just got another idea... why cant we store data in air?? think on this and if u have any way of doin it let mw know